Please note that all outstanding orders have been shipped and our help desk will remain open. We are all doing our best and we appreciate your support and patience. We thank you so much for being a Zasttra member and customer.


  • Can I collect my order?

    Unfortunately, the collection option is not available for any of our products.
  • Can I pay when you deliver my item?

    Please note that we do not have cash on delivery option on Zasttra. Kindly note that you can pay with cash or EFT when you choose Scode or EFT during checkout What is SCode Payment? (Better alternative to Bank Cash Deposit)
  • How do I CANCEL or EDIT Order?

    Firstly sign in to your zasttra account here: Then go here>> and click cancel or edit the order as shown below. Please note: You can only cancel or edit an order that has not been processed or shipped by the seller. You...
  • How do I contact a seller after placing an order?

    To contact a seller after you have placed an order, sign in to your account here. If you do not have an account, we suggest that you create one here and then sign in. Next, click on the order that you want to contact the seller on and then click the green "Raise a Query" button to contact the se...
  • How do I track my order?

    You can track your order by signing into your account here.
  • Item I want is out of stock. What now?

    Instead of taking your money and then sending you the item later, we've made this easy. Follow these instructions: Go to the page of the item which is out of stock. On the product details area, click the "NOTIFY ME when available" tab. Enter your details and we'll notify you as soon as we have it...
  • What do I do if I don't receive my package?

    Relax, breathe, and then kindly call us. We'll do our best not to panic, and then work out what went wrong and sort it out. We'll probably be more cut up about it than you, so go easy on us.
  • Where can I find my tracking number

    You can find your tracking number by signing into your account here.
  • Why am I being charged to collect my item?

    You do not have to pay additional shipping or taxes. In the event that you are charged VAT or additional taxes when your order is delivered, charges for customs clearance must be paid by you. Unfortunately, we have no control over these charges. Delivery times may vary depending upon the items or...
  • Why am I paying to collect my item? (Overseas items)

    *Please note. You may be subject to import duties and taxes, which are enforced once a shipment reaches your country. Charges for customs clearance must be paid by you. Unfortunately, we have no control over these charges. Delivery times may vary depending upon the items ordered. Times also vary ...