Please note that all outstanding orders have been shipped and our help desk will remain open. We are all doing our best and we appreciate your support and patience. We thank you so much for being a Zasttra member and customer.

Where’s my stuff? (10-15 working days)

When you place an order with us, we source the item from our supplier. Next to each product, you’ll find an estimated time for the product to be dispatched, which is the date it will leave the fulfilment centre. This is the expected time. The item(s) in your order is dispatched in 10 to 15 working days (2 to 3 weeks). Your order could reach us sooner than expected but delays also occur. As soon as we are notified of a potential delay, you’ll be the first to know.
Once it is dispatched, another email will be sent to you with a local tracking number and your item will be delivered in 1 to 3 days after. A tracking number is only assigned to your order once the item has been dispatched.

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